Toilet seat covers
Toilet seat covers. There are many wonders in this little beautiful blue planet of our that hold little secrets. Are you, like me curious, about what secrets everyday products will reveal? For the longest time I have wondered about that little pocket sewn into my pair of jeans. I have seriously pondered it’s secrets. I would ask questions like, “Why is it there?”, and “What is it used for?”. Right now there are more pressing issues than little pockets. There are websites that will reveal the “why’s” in products we use everyday or use sometimes. What I want to talk about is toilet seat covers. I do not mean seat covers that you wrap your toilet seats to keep your tushy nice and warm. I am talking about the paper toilet seat covers at work or any public places. The questions I have are not about whether you should use them, or does it really protect your bottom from little tiny critters from other people’s nether regions and unspeakable. My questions are, how do you place