On A Bad Day, Turn It A Good (Or So-So) One
Yesterday was crazy. I woke up at 4 AM to get a jump on the day. That sure helped a lot because if cannot imagine what my day would have been like if I had not done that. However, my day turned out to be rather productive and by around mid-morning, I began to turn things around. Me waking up at 4 in the morning is rare now. I've done that since high school - zero period and jogging, work in college and I just got used to it. Now, 5:30 or so is more typical. My plan yesterday was to get some simple tasks done so I can get a jump on a jog and my own projects. I was able to do all that and I figured I would have time for some downtime as well. But that did not happen. Emails upon emails. Calls upon calls. Reports. Requests. A flurry of work related stuff flooded in within an hour. I admit I was sort of flustered from about eight through ten yesterday morning. That has not happened for a while...